40 research outputs found

    How Avatar Customization Affects Fear in a Game-based Digital Exposure Task for Social Anxiety

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    The treatment of social anxiety through digital exposure therapy is challenging due to the cognitive properties of social anxiety-individuals need to be fully engaged in the task and feel themselves represented in the social situation; however, avatar customization has been shown to increase both engagement and social presence. In this paper, we harness techniques used in commercial games, and investigate how customizing self-representation in a novel digital exposure task for social anxiety influences the experience of social threat. In an online experiment with 200 participants, participants either customized their avatar or were assigned a predefined avatar. Participants then controlled the avatar through a virtual shop, where they had to solve a math problem, while a simulated audience within the virtual world observed them and negatively judged their performance. Our findings show that we can stimulate the fear of evaluation by others in our task, that fear is driven primarily by trait social anxiety, and that this relationship is strengthened for people higher in trait social anxiety. We provide new insights into the effects of customization in a novel therapeutic context, and embed the discussion of avatar customization into related work in social anxiety and human-computer interaction

    Social conditioning and extinction paradigm: A translational study in virtual reality

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    In human beings, experiments investigating fear conditioning with social stimuli are rare. The current study aims at translating an animal model for social fear conditioning (SFC) to a human sample using an operant SFC paradigm in virtual reality (VR). Forty participants actively (using a joystick) approached virtual male agents that served as conditioned stimuli (CS). During the acquisition phase, unconditioned stimuli (US), a combination of an air blast (5 bar, 10 ms) and a female scream (95 dB, 40 ms), were presented when participants reached a defined proximity to the agent with a contingency of 75% for CS+ agents and never for CS- agents. During the extinction and the test phases, no US was delivered. Outcome variables were pleasantness ratings and physiological reactions in heart rate and fear-potentiated startle. Additionally, the influence of social anxiety, which was measured with the Social Phobia Inventory scale, was evaluated. As expected after the acquisition phase the CS+ was rated clearly less pleasant than the CS-. This difference vanished during extinction. Furthermore, the HR remained high for the CS+, while the HR for the CS- was clearly lower after than before the acquisition. Furthermore, a clear difference between CS+ and CS- after the acquisition indicated successful conditioning on this translational measure. Contrariwise extinction was not observed on the physiological variables. Importantly, at the generalization test, higher socially fearful participants rated pleasantness of all agents as low whereas the lower socially fearful participants rated pleasantness as low only for the CS+. SFC was successfully induced and extinguished confirming operant conditioning in this SFC paradigm. These findings suggest that the paradigm is suitable to expand the knowledge about the learning and unlearning of social fears. Further studies should investigate the operant mechanisms of development and treatment of social anxiety disorder

    The Effect of Non-lexical Verbal Signals on the Perceived Authenticity, Empathy and Understanding of a Listener

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    Active listening plays an important role in the relationship between clients and therapists. Here, we investigated whether variations of the confirmatory nonlexical verbal communication signal "mmh" influenced perceived authenticity, empathy and understanding of a listener. Eighty-one participants were in a conversation with an interviewer and reported about a difficult work experience. They were randomly assigned to one of three groups: The control group did not receive any verbal feedback from the interviewer; In one experimental group (1x-mmh), the interviewer uttered several monosyllabic confirmatory nonlexical verbal signals ("mmh") during the presentation; In a second experimental group (3x-mmh) the interviewer voiced several three syllable "mmh-mmh-mmh" while listening. All participants were then asked to rate the perceived authenticity, empathy and understanding of the interviewer. Participants in the 3x-mmh condition rated the interviewer to be significantly less authentic than those in the other two groups. No differences in reported empathy and understanding were found. The use of consecutive confirmatory nonlexical verbal signals ("mmh") - at least as currently implemented - may influence the perceived authenticity of a listener

    Men Scare Me More: Gender Differences in Social Fear Conditioning in Virtual Reality

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    Women nearly twice as often develop social anxiety disorder (SAD) compared to men. The reason for this difference is still being debated. The present study investigates gender differences and the effect of male versus female agents in low (LSA) and high socially anxious (HSA) participants regarding the acquisition and extinction of social fear in virtual reality (VR). In a social fear conditioning (SFC) paradigm, 60 participants actively approached several agents, some of which were paired with an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US) consisting of a verbal rejection and spitting simulated by an aversive air blast (CS C), or without an US (CS). Primary outcome variables were defined for each of the 4 levels of emotional reactions including experience (fear ratings), psychophysiology (fear-potentiated startle), behavior (avoidance), and cognition (recognition task). Secondary outcome variables were personality traits, contingency ratings, heart rate (HR), and skin conductance response (SCR). As hypothesized, fear ratings for CS C increased significantly during acquisition and the differentiation between CS C and CS vanished during extinction. Additionally, women reported higher fear compared to men. Furthermore, a clear difference in the fear-potentiated startle response between male CS C and CS at the end of acquisition indicates successful SFC to male agents in both groups. Concerning behavior, results exhibited successful SFC in both groups and a general larger distance to agents in HSA than LSA participants. Furthermore, HSA women maintained a larger distance to male compared to female agents. No such differences were found for HSA men. Regarding recognition, participants responded with higher sensitivity to agent than object stimuli, suggesting a higher ability to distinguish the target from the distractor for social cues, which were on focus during SFC. Regarding the secondary physiological outcome variables, we detected an activation in HR response during acquisition, but there were no differences between stimuli or groups. Moreover, we observed a gender but no CS+/CS- differences in SCR. SFC was successfully induced and extinguished according to the primary outcome variables. VR is an interesting tool to measure emotional learning processes on different outcome levels with enhanced ecological validity. Future research should further investigate social fear learning mechanisms for developing more efficient treatments of SAD

    New approaches to evacuation modelling for fire safety engineering applications

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    This paper presents the findings of the workshop “New approaches to evacuation modelling”, which took place on the 11th of June 2017 in Lund (Sweden) within the Symposium of the International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS). The workshop gathered international experts in the field of fire evacuation modelling from 19 different countries and was designed to build a dialogue between the fire evacuation modelling world and experts in areas outside of fire safety engineering. The contribution to fire evacuation modelling of five topics within research disciplines outside fire safety engineering (FSE) have been discussed during the workshop, namely 1) Psychology/Human Factors, 2) Sociology, 3) Applied Mathematics, 4) Transportation, 5) Dynamic Simulation and Biomechanics. The benefits of exchanging information between these two groups are highlighted here in light of the topic areas discussed and the feedback received by the evacuation modelling community during the workshop. This included the feasibility of development/application of modelling methods based on fields other than FSE as well as a discussion on their implementation strengths and limitations. Each subject area is here briefly presented and its links to fire evacuation modelling are discussed. The feedback received during the workshop is discussed through a set of insights which might be useful for the future developments of evacuation models for fire safety engineering

    Diaphragmatic Breathing during Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Aviophobia: Functional Coping Strategy or Avoidance Behavior?

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    Background: Although there is solid evidence for the efficacy of in vivo and virtual reality (VR) exposure therapy for a specific phobia, there is a significant debate over whether techniques promoting distraction or relaxation have impairing or enhancing effects on treatment outcome. In the present pilot study, we investigated the effect of diaphragmatic breathing (DB) as a relaxation technique during VR exposure treatment. Method: Twenty-nine patients with aviophobia were randomly assigned to VR exposure treatment either with or without diaphragmatic breathing (six cycles per minute). Subjective fear ratings, heart rate and skin conductance were assessed as indicators of fear during both the exposure and the test session one week later. Results: The group that experienced VR exposure combined with diaphragmatic breathing showed a higher tendency to effectively overcome the fear of flying. Psychophysiological measures of fear decreased and self-efficacy increased in both groups with no significant difference between the groups. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that diaphragmatic breathing during VR exposure does not interfere with the treatment outcome and may even enhance treatment effects of VR exposure therapy for aviophobic patients

    Problems or prospects? Being a parent in the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany

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    Background: In the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, many restrictions hit people in ways never seen before. Mental wellbeing was affected and burden was high, especially for high-risk groups such as parents. However, to our knowledge no research has yet examined whether being a parent was not only a risk for psychological burden but also a way to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: An online survey was used to collect data from 1,121 participants from April to June 2020. In addition to demographic variables, risk factors (financial burden, problems complying with COVID-19 restrictions, and pre-treatment due to mental health problems) and protective factors (emotion regulation, humor, and crisis self-efficacy) were collected. The dataset was divided into three groups: parents whose children lived at home (n = 395), parents whose children did not (no longer) live at home (n = 165), and people who were not parents (n = 561). Results: A linear mixed effect model showed that parents had no higher burden than non-parents, and even less when children did not live at home. Expected risk factors were generally less important, and there were no differences between parents and non-parents. In contrast, parents had advantages in protective factors. Conclusion: In the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was shown that parents (with and without their children at home) were not necessarily at risk due to additional burden, but also had prospects of coping better with the situation than people without children

    Abmilderung von Renewal Effekten nach Expositionstherapie

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    „Renewal“ bezeichnet das Wiederauftreten von Angst nach erfolgreicher Expositionstherapie in Folge einer erneuten Konfrontation mit dem phobischen Stimulus in einem neuen, sich vom Expositionskontext unterscheidenden Kontext. Bouton (1994) zufolge deutet diese Angstrückkehr durch einen Kontextwechsel darauf hin, dass die Angst nicht gelöscht wurde. Stattdessen wurde während der Expositionssitzung eine neue Assoziation gelernt, die das gefürchtete Objekt mit „keiner Angst“, also den konditionierten Reiz (conditioned stimulus, CS) mit „keinem unkonditionierten Reiz“ (no unconditioned stimulus, no US), verbindet. Bouton argumentiert weiter, dass diese Assoziation kontextabhängig ist, wodurch Effekte wie Angst-Renewal erklärt werden können. Da in einem neuen Kontext die CS-no US-Assoziation nicht aktiviert wird, wird die Angst auch nicht gehemmt. Die Kontextabhängigkeit der CS-no US-Assoziation wurde in mehreren Studien belegt (Balooch & Neumann, 2011; Siavash Bandarian Balooch, Neumann, & Boschen, 2012; Culver, Stoyanova, & Craske, 2011; Kim & Richardson, 2009; Neumann & Kitlertsirivatana, 2010). Aktuell konzentriert sich die Forschung zur Therapie von Angststörungen auf die Frage, wie Angst reduziert und gleichzeitig ein Rückfall verhindert werden kann. Hierzu werden verschiedene Expositionsprotokolle untersucht, wie zum Beispiel (1) Exposition in mehreren Kontexten (multiple contexts exposure, MCE), um Renewal zu reduzieren (z.B. Balooch & Neumann, 2011); (2) verlängerte Exposition (prolonged exposure, PE), um die hemmende Assoziation während des Extinktionslernes zu stärken (z.B. Thomas, Vurbic, & Novak, 2009) und (3) Rekonsolidierungs-Updates (reconsolidation update, RU), die den Rekonsolidierungsprozess durch eine kurze Exposition des CS+ vor der eigentlichen Exposition aktualisieren sollen (Schiller et al., 2010). Bisher liegen jedoch nur sehr wenige Studien vor, die diese neuen Expositionsprotokolle an klinischen Stichproben untersucht haben, und - soweit bekannt - keine Studie, welche die Wirkmechanismen dieser Protokolle an einer klinischen Stichprobe erforscht. Die vorliegende Dissertation hat drei Ziele. Das erste Ziel besteht darin zu prüfen, ob Expositionstherapie in multiplen Kontexten die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Renewal reduziert. Das zweite Ziel ist die Untersuchung der Mechanismen, die dem Effekt der Exposition in multiplen Kontexten zugrunde liegen und das dritte ist den Kontext im Zusammenhang mit Konditionierung und Extinktion zu konzeptualisieren. Insgesamt wurden drei Studien durchgeführt. Die erste Studie untersuchte den Effekt von Exposition in multiplen Kontexten auf Renewal, die zweite und dritte Studie die Wirkmechanismen von MCE. In der ersten Studie wurden spinnenphobische Probanden (N = 30) viermal mit einer virtuellen Spinne konfrontiert. Die Expositionstrials wurden entweder in einem gleichbleibenden Kontext oder in vier verschiedenen Kontexten durchgeführt. Am Ende der Sitzung absolvierten alle Teilnehmer einen virtuellen Renewaltest, bei dem die virtuelle Spinne in einem neuen Kontext gezeigt wurde, und einen in vivo Verhaltensvermeidungstest (behavioral avoidance test, BAT) mit einer echten Spinne. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Probanden, welche die vier Expositionstrials in unterschiedlichen Kontexten erfuhren, weniger Angst, sowohl im virtuellen Renewaltest als auch im BAT, erlebten. In dieser Studie konnte die Wirksamkeit von MCE für die Reduktion von Renewal erfolgreich nachgewiesen werden. Studie 2 (N = 35) untersuchte die Wirkmechanismen von MCE in einem differentiellen Konditionierungsparadigma. Die Extinktion wurde in multiplen Kontexten durchgeführt. Hierbei war das Ziel, eine ähnliche Verminderung von Renewal wie in Studie 1 nachzuweisen. Der Extinktion folgten zwei Tests, mit dem Ziel mögliche hemmende Effekte des Kontexts, die während der Extinktionsphase erworben wurden, aufzudecken. Bezüglich des Effektes von MCE wurden drei Hypothesen aufgestellt: (1) Der Extinktionskontext wird mit der Exposition assoziiert, fungiert folglich während der Extinktion als Sicherheitssignal und konkurriert daher mit dem Sicherheitslernen des CS. Dies führt zu einem verminderten Extinktionseffekt auf den CS, wenn die Extinktion nur in einem Kontext durchgeführt wird. (2) Die Elemente im Extinktionskontext (z.B. Raumfarbe, Möbel) stehen im Zusammenhang mit der CS-no US-Assoziation und erinnern daher an die Extinktion, was zu einer größeren Angsthemmung führt, wenn sie während eines Tests gezeigt werden. (3) Nach der emotionalen Prozesstheorie (emotional process theory; Bouton, 1994; Foa et al., 1996) bestimmen die Therapieprozessfaktoren die Stärke des Renewals. Beispielsweise korrelieren initiale Angstaktivierung, Aktivierung in und zwischen den Sitzungen mit der Stärke des Renewals. Jedoch waren in dieser Studie keine Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen im Renewaltest zu beobachten, weswegen die Ergebnisse der zwei Nachtests nicht zu interpretieren sind. Das Ziel von Studie 3 (N = 61) war es, das Konzept des Kontexts im Rahmen von Konditionierung und Exposition zu definieren. In Studie 3 wurde das Auftreten der Generalisierungsabnahme (generalization decrement) genutzt, bei der eine konditionierte Reaktion infolge eines Kontextwechsels nur reduziert auftritt. Auf diesem Weg kann Kontextähnlichkeit quantifiziert werden. Nach einer Akquisitonsphase in einem Kontext wurden die Teilnehmer in einem von drei verschiedenen Kontexten getestet. Zwei dieser Kontexte unterschieden sich nur in einer Dimension (Anordnung der Objekte vs. Objekteigenschaften). Die dritte Gruppe wurde im Akquisitonskontext getestet und diente als Kontrollgruppe. Es fanden sich jedoch keine Unteschiede zwischen den Gruppen in den Testphasen. Eine mögliche Erklärung ist die Neuartigkeit des Testkontextes. Teilnehmer, die nach der Extinktion einem neuen Kontext ausgesetzt waren, erwarteten in einem anderen Kontext eine zweite Extinktionsphase und zeigten daher mehr statt weniger Angst als erwartet.Renewal of fear is one form of relapse that occurs after successful therapy, resulting from an encounter with a feared object in a context different from the context of the exposure therapy. According to Bouton (1994), the return of fear, provoked by context change, indicates that the fear was not erased in the first place. More importantly, the return of fear indicates that during the exposure session a new association was learned that connected the feared object with “no fear”; yet, as Bouton further argues, this association is context dependent. Such dependence could explain effects like renewal. In a new context, the therapeutic association will not be expressed and thus will no longer inhibit the fear. The assumption that an association is context dependent has been tested and showed robust results (Balooch & Neumann, 2011; Siavash Bandarian Balooch, Neumann, & Boschen, 2012; Culver, Stoyanova, & Craske, 2011; Kim & Richardson, 2009; Neumann & Kitlertsirivatana, 2010). Research for the treatment of anxiety disorders, aiming to reduce fear and, more importantly, prevent relapse, is flourishing. There are several exposure protocols currently under investigation: multiple contexts exposure (MCE), which aims at reducing the return of fear due to renewal (e.g., Balooch & Neumann, 2011); prolonged exposure (PE), which aims at strengthening the inhibitory association during the extinction learning (e.g., Thomas, Vurbic, & Novak, 2009); and reconsolidation update (RU), which aims at “updating” the reconsolidation process by briefly exposing the CS+ before the actual extinction takes place (Schiller et al., 2010). So far, however, few clinical studies conducted on humans have investigated these novel treatment protocols, and as far as I know none has investigated the mechanisms of action behind these protocols with a human clinical sample. The present thesis has three main goals. The first is to demonstrate that exposure therapy in multiple contexts reduces the likelihood of renewal. The second is to examine the mechanisms contributing to the effect of MCE and the third is to shed light on the concept of context in the framework of the conditioning and extinction paradigm. To this end, three studies were conducted. The first study investigated the effect of MCE on renewal, the second and third studies examined working mechanisms of MCE. In the first study thirty spider-phobic participants were exposed four times to a virtual spider. The exposure trials were conducted either in one single context or in four different contexts. Finally, all participants completed both a virtual renewal test, with the virtual spider presented in a novel virtual context, and an in vivo behavioral avoidance test with a real spider. This study successfully demonstrated the efficacy of MCE on reducing renewal. Study 2 investigated the working mechanisms behind MCE by utilizing a differential conditioning paradigm and conducting the extinction in multiple contexts, targeting similar renewal attenuation as achieved in study 1. This was followed by two tests that attempted to reveal extinction-relevant associations like ones causing context inhibitory effects. This study had three main hypotheses: (1) The extinction context is associated with the exposure, and thus operates as a safety signal at some point during the extinction; it will therefore compete with the safety learning of the CS, leading to a decreased extinction effect on the CS if the extinction is conducted in only one context. (2) The elements (e.g., room color, furniture) of the extinction context are connected to the therapeutic association and therefore should serve as reminders of the extinction, causing a stronger fear inhibition when presented during a test. (3) Therapy process factors, according to emotional processing theory, determine the renewal effect (e.g., initial fear activation, and within-session and between-session activation are correlated with the strength of renewal). In this study, however, no differences between the groups at the renewal phase were observed, presumably because the extinction was too strong to enable a renewal of fear at the test phase conducted immediately following the extinction. This hence rendered the two inhibitory tests useless. Study 3 aimed at defining the concept of context in the conditioning and exposure framework. Study 3 utilized the phenomenon known as generalization decrement, whereby a conditioned response is reduced due to change in the environment. This allowed context similarity to be quantified. After an acquisition phase in one context, participants were tested in one of three contexts, two of which differed in only one dimension (configuration of objects vs. features). The third group was tested in the same context and served as control group. The goal was to show that both configuration and features play an important role in the definition of context. There was, however, no significant statistical difference between the groups at the test phases, likely because of context novelty effects (participants exposed to a new context following extinction in another context expected a second extinction phase, and thus demonstrated greater fear than expected in all three groups)